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- Sodium Humate
- Potassium Humate
- Ammonium Humate
- Calcium Humate

  Ammonium Humate

Humic acid is one of the major components of humic substances[1] which are dark brown and major constituents of soil organic matter humus that contributes to soil chemical and physical quality and are also precursors of some fossil fuels. They can also be found in peat, coal, many upland streams, dystrophic lakes and ocean water.

  Calcium Humate

Humate comes from the sedimentary compaction of organic matter. It’s one of the most complex substances on earth, and  full of the life-packed stuff that human beings, and the food we eat, require. It can’t be duplicated or synthesized.

  Potassium Humate

Potassium humate (K-humate) is obtained by alkaline extraction of lignite or brown coal or leonardite and is used commercially as a soil conditioner.

  Sodium Humate

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